Mibo Thermoflo

Mibo Thermoflo

Dry Eye Syndrome can leave patients with sandy, gritty, itchy, uncomfortable eyes. Patients with dry eye can also have absolutely no symptoms of the feeling of dry eye – but are left with fluctuating vision from blink to blink. This is one of the reasons it is called...
Supplements for Macular Degeneration

Supplements for Macular Degeneration

AREDS 2 vitamins have been recommended for a long time and have been shown to reduce the likelihood of intermediate stage dry macular degeneration from becoming the “wet” form. The wet form is where bleeding of the retina occurs and often a series of injections need...
Frequent Styes

Frequent Styes

Have you ever wondered “Why do I keep getting styes?” They hurt, they are annoying, and they might take you out of your contact lenses for a few days. Styes go by the name of internal hordeolum, styes or chalazion (the hardened version). There is another condition...
Why You Should Blink at the Computer

Why You Should Blink at the Computer

This seems a little odd to say, but we as a society do not blink as much when we are on the computer or on a device. This is a problem when you’re trying to work all day. Incomplete and infrequent blinks were reported in several studies when viewing a computer vs....