binocular vision dysfuntion

Find out if you’re struggling with BVD

What is BVD?

Binocular Vision Dysfunction (BVD) is a serious eye condition where the eyes are misaligned, sending two different images to the brain. The brain struggles to merge these two different images into one clear image, causing symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, anxiety, motion sickness, and chronic neck pain.

BVD can severely impact people of all ages. Children with BVD often struggle with reading in school, hand-eye coordination, playing sports, and car sickness. This condition often leads to misdiagnoses of ADHD, dyslexia, and migraines in children. Adults with BVD regularly experience headaches, daily anxiety and dizziness, and can be severely limited from doing normal tasks or succeeding in the workplace.

The symptoms of BVD are wide-ranging and not often recognized by traditional eye doctors.

Dr. Sarah has been trained and certified at the NeuroVisual Medicine Institute(R). 


BVD can severely impact people of all ages. Children with BVD often struggle with reading in school, hand-eye coordination, playing sports, and car sickness. This condition often leads to misdiagnoses of ADHD, dyslexia, and migraines in children. Adults with BVD regularly experience headaches, daily anxiety and dizziness, and can be severely limited from doing normal tasks or succeeding in the workplace.

The symptoms of BVD are wide-ranging and not often recognized by traditional eye doctors. Those who specialize in treating BVD often organize the symptoms into groups based on how they impact patients: like. We also offer diabetic eye exams for those who require them.


The condition can be caused by facial asymmetry similar to adults, or it can be caused by a concussion or head injury, such as from a soccer game or falling while riding a bike. Some research suggests that at least 20% of adults experience some symptoms of BVD that may be interfering with their everyday lives. Someone you know may be suffering from binocular vision dysfunction and not even realize it. Exactly why some people develop BVD and others don’t often isn’t clear.

Early research has found that BVD can be genetically inherited and run in families, most often from mother to daughter. In other clinical research, there is a direct correlation between head injury or concussion and the onset of BVD symptoms. There is also a connection between BVD and acquired brain injuries caused by a stroke, Lyme disease, COVID-19, and Mono (Mononucleosis).


When your eyes are misaligned, your eyes are sending two different images to the brain which it has trouble merging. When the brain receives conflicting information from each eye, it strains the eye muscles to try and correct the misalignment – this causes the symptoms of BVD. A small percentage of patients with BVD have diplopia (or double vision) but most patients do not see double, yet they suffer from symptoms like migraines, dizziness, car sickness, and light sensitivity.

Prism lenses are used to align the two images being sent to your brain, ‘tricking’ the brain into thinking the eyes are correctly aligned and reducing eye muscle strain. These lenses compensate for eye misalignment by redirecting the light rays to make the two images align. Prism is ground into lenses of your glasses with your regular prescription and doesn’t look any different than a normal pair of glasses, but they can relieve significant BVD symptoms.

What Patients Say About their Binocular Vision Dysfunction and Microprism Glasses

“I’m not tired when I read now. School is not as hard, and I have more fun. My glasses make everything better.”


“I was about to be put into a special education class because I was having so many learning problems. That was ten years ago. These lenses changed everything, really! The headaches disappeared. Reading was so much easier and I could figure out my homework.”


“I was riding my motorcycle and was hit from behind. The years that followed were filled with excruciating pain. I couldn’t cut the grass, cook, or do much of anything. Then, one of my therapists referred me to a BVD specialist. When I put on the trial lenses, the pain instantly left. This is the real deal.”


“I was having trouble focusing and getting really tired in school. I would take a 10mg Ritalin to concentrate in the afternoons. With my prism glasses, I’m able to concentrate more, take fewer breaks, and I don’t need to take Ritalin anymore.”


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